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Consulting Services

Over the past couple of years since Initiative : Tabletop has launched, we’ve been collecting tons of data. We’ve been working on how we can better assist the gaming community, specifically publishers, designers, and indie companies. We’ve been fortunate to help a lot of designers since we’ve started, and we’re continuing to get reached out to for help with various projects.

We take our work seriously, and we want to help as many people as we can. In order to do this, however, we need to be able to devote time to where it belongs. With I:T being a startup business we had to figure out what we could do in order to help offer our services to those in need.

What has this led to? Well, we’ve put our heads together and decided to add consulting services to our repertoire.

What Services Does I:T Offer?

We offer consulting on a variety of different topics:

  • gameplay management
  • Kickstarter planning/management
  • product management/ideas/concept/design
  • advertising/marketing
  • financial management

When you purchase our services you’re guaranteed to quality consulting advice. We will make ourselves available for you, and vow to give you the best services available in the industry. Whether you need assistance with your Kickstarter project, or some advice on tuning your gameplay, we’re the team for the job.

What Does This Mean For The Site?

Absolutely nothing will change, at least for the worse. We will still be putting up content as usual, and if all goes according to plan we’ll have even more time to devote to producing quality content. With us adding these services, we’re working towards making I:T a valuable company/entity in the tabletop gaming industry.

What Should I Do If I’m Interested?

Simply send us an email to and put “Consulting Services” with the title or summary of your project in the subject line. We can discuss pricing, timelines, and more. We’ll be happy to sit with you and help work out your project, whatever it may be. As always, we appreciate your support and look forward to working with you.