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AEG and Fun to 11 Take To Kickstarter With Epic PVP

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Pick a combination, or choose one at random. A Goblin Barbarian? Human Paladin? Orc Rogue? So many combinations are available in this new game, Epic PVP. AEG and Fun to 11 have partnered to put Epic PVP on Kickstarter to bring this card game to the table. Choose a class, choose a race, shuffle the cards together, then prepare for battle!

The campaign has already over-funded and is currently knocking out stretch goals thanks to the efforts of the backers. The art is whimsical and the premise of the game looks like a promising, highly re-playable card game that is likely to be a hit with your gaming group, especially if you like games like Smash Up and it’s expansions. There is a print-and-play available for the game as well, so be sure to download it and give it a go if you’re on the fence about it.

Fun to 11 has previously completed 7 Kickstarters and so the risks on this campaign are minimal. The project has 26 days to go, and a pledge of $41 will get you in on everything the Kickstarter has to offer right now. The only remaining stretch goal at this moment is the Kickstarter exclusive box, but they are within $5k of that goal. The pledge levels are set up in waves of delivery, so make your pledge sooner than later to get it into your hands! Something cool that this project offers as well, is that Fun to 11 is paying for non-US shipping up to the amount they’d pay for US shipping, reducing the costs of international shipping costs for backers, which we think is awesome. Check out the project, test out the print-and-play, and immerse yourself in some Epic PVP!