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Quick News Nov 15 – Nov 21

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This week’s Quick News won’t be as long as we’ve been busy getting ready for BGG Con and finalizing reviews. We hope that you checked out our reviews for Regnum Angelica and Fate of the Norns: Gulveig from this past week! Stay tuned to the website in the upcoming days for information on a new giveaway that we’ll be doing, and for the reviews coming up next week.

Announcements and Releases

  • Organized Play for Red Dragon Inn has finally been announced! Check out the announcement page for information and make sure you get your FLGS involved.
  • AEG has started to preview cards from the Pretty Pretty Smash Up Expansion! Anyone else notice that the princess looks an awful lot like Elsa? Cool, glad it wasn’t just me.
  • The Dark Titan, the next expansion to Castle Panic, was announced this week by Fireside Games.
  • Fantasy Flight Sale is holding its annual holiday sale now.
  • CoolMiniOrNot has announced that their new game, Rum and Bones, will be on Kickstarter in early December!
  • A new piece of terrain is available now from Tabletop World! The Mansion joins the awesome line – I really love this piece!


  • An A.I. named MIND has been given control of a district colony on Earth, and some people aren’t happy about it. One person takes on the role of MIND and the others take the control of human rebels trying to take it back. Check MIND – The Fall of Paradise on Kickstarter now!
  • Need more Princess Bride games? Game Salute has you covered. The most recent Kickstarter features 3 new card games themed for The Princess Bride, each one sure to tickle someone’s fancy in your gaming group!
  • Evil has overrun the land. The Order that once protected it has fallen to disgrace. However, a small handful of those still loyal to the cause have risen up. Take control of an army to regain honor and restore peace and order! Check out Norsgard on Kickstarter now!

Other Interesting Articles And Finds

  • Found more information (well, photos) about Batman Love Letter! Check out the sweet tokens!
  • Paizo listens when the players speak! They are making changes to Pathfinder Society based on feedback from the Venture Captains. Check out the changes at the Paizo blog, and be sure to share your thoughts and concerns with your local Venture Captains to make sure they are heard!
  • WARMACHINE: Tactics is now available in full version on Steam for $39.99!

What We’re Playing

  • Had some friends over and gave Shadows of Esteren a try! It was really good, and I liked how it focused more on story and player interaction than a sheet of paper with stats. Will certainly be playing it again!
  • The little one has requested yet more Zombie Dice, and he is getting better at recognizing what the symbols mean. It is a fun adventure in teaching kids and watching them absorb limitations.

Remember that we will be at BGG Con this weekend helping out some companies, but also hanging out and chatting with folks! You can find Raine at Z-MAN’s Pandemic : Survival games in the afternoon on Saturday, and Kae will be at the Black Locust Games booth on Saturday and Sunday. We’re excited to walk the floor and attend the convention for the first time. If we can expect to see you there, be sure to be following us on social media and give us a shout out! We’ll probably have free stuff to give away