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Quick News Nov 8 – Nov 14

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Ah, Friday. It is getting cold across the country as we dive head-first towards winter. It is even chilly here in Texas! We have been busy preparing for BGGcon and getting even more reviews lined up. In case you missed them, check out the Hex Chest , Cypher, and Livestock Uprising reviews that we shared this week! Here’s your quick news for the week :

Announcements and Releases

  • Privateer Press has released photos of Caine, Chibi Aurora, and Chibi Kaya pins that are now on sale. I think I need that Kaya pin…
  • Warmachine Weekend happened this weekend, and it came down to Protectorate of Menoth vs. Circle Orboros. Brandon Cating (Protectorate) pulled a win out to take the title of WMW 2014 Invitational Champion!
  • AEG has announced the next Smash Up expansion and it…IS going to be pretty. Very, very pretty.
  • Did you participate in Cards Against Humanity’s Holiday Bullshit last year? Well, its back with 10 Days or Whatever of Kwanza. Enjoy!
  • Fantasy Flight released the long-anticipated Wave 1 packs for Star Wars: Armada!

  • Third draft deck for Android Netrunner is now available, featuring challenges for both sides at all times, new symbols, and more!
  • Due to a very unfortunate printing mishap, the Pathfinder Strategy Guide won’t be released until February of 2015. Erik Mona shares details on what happened over at the Paizo blog.
  • Celebrimbor’s Secret, the fifth pack in the Ring-maker cycle is now available for the Lord of the Rings Card Game!
  • Tide of Iron fans! The Days of the Fox is getting the Next Wave treatment from 1A Games!
  • The cover photo for the next Pandemic expansion – State of Emergency – was released!

  • BGGcon is coming! Are you prepared? We’re pretty excited for it. Be sure to follow your favorite publishers to see what they’ll be doing there such as Steve Jackson Games, Mayfair Games, and even check out our plans!


  • Check out the nightlife of Sunrise City, explored after its successful Kickstarter in 2012. Sunrise City: Nights is being funded now!
  • Dice Hate Me Games has launched its next game called New Bedford : this game is set in the historic age of whaling in the mid 1800’s.
  • Already funded, a new RPG in which cards determine your fate is on Kickstarter, but could always use some extra support. Enter the Shadowside: DESTINY is on Kickstarter for another couple of weeks!

  • Combat Rising launched a project called Fight Dice (tell everyone about this!) which would be a fun party game! If you like Zombie Dice, Cthulhu Dice, any games that leave fate to the roll of a die, you should check out this project.

Other Interesting Articles And Finds

  • Erik Mona shows off more models from the Lost Coast miniatures set and provides a list of the minis you can be looking out for!
  • Want some awesome Black Friday deals that you can take advantage of from home? Avoid the crowds with Miniature Market’s Black Friday Sale! Check out their FAQ for this year’s sale and plan for it!
  • FREE GAMES. Did we get your attention? FROM SANTA. Yeah, that’s right, we’ve got you hooked now. Enter AEG’s contest to win free games, and lots of them!
  • Are you the artsy type? The 2015 Gen Con Art Show is now accepting submissions!
  • Kanji and Runic d20’s are available for a short run from Artisan Dice! Check out their dice selections if you’re looking for a spectacular set of dice for your gaming needs.

  • Neverwinter fans! The Rise of Tiamat is coming to the PC game
  • The survey for the Occult Adventures Playtest is here! Get your answers back in before November 25th.
  • Tabletop Day has started a new project called Gather Your Party. The idea is to get your gaming group together following each episode of Geek & Sundry’s Tabletop!

What We’re Playing

  • Not sure where it came from, but our little gremlin very specifically asked to play “zombie games with daddy” this week, so we decided to teach him how to play Zombie Dice this week! We played many times though he won his first game with very little assistance! I bet you can imagine what is requested daily at the office now
  • Raine backed Fate of the Norns: Gulveig and we got it to the table! It has beautiful art and plays very smoothly.
  • Last Night on Earth saw a lot of table time this week as well! We played another 2 player game, Escape In The Truck (in which the heroes barely escaped). Last night, we played another EItT campaign but with 6 players! I finally had the chance to play the zombies, and we won! Huzzah!
  • The Black Rose, a card game set in the world of Shadows of Esteren, also hit the table with 5 players. The rector (Raine) really thought he had the game in the bag until the possessed investigator snuck a win in under his nose!

This weekend will be busy for us but we’ll make sure to post some photos and updates despite this. We are excited for our new readers/followers, and we hope those numbers grow. Not only to reach more people, but to give more people the opportunity to win games, as we’ll have more giveaways coming soon, including a recently fulfilled Kickstarter project, another Conflicted deck, books, and more! Make sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for daily news and updates!