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Oomba Inc. Hosting Gen Con 2014 Coverage, Tournament Organization, and More [Gen Con 2014]

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Oomba Inc., a company based out of Irvine, California, is planning to change the way we think about organized tournaments and live event coverage. This year the company will be headed out to Gen Con 2014 to put their new services to the test, right in the heart of The Best Four Days in Gaming.  For the first time in Gen Con history, Oomba will be live-streaming the entire event for anyone who tunes in.

By heading to the website you can tune in to all sorts of live interviews, tournament coverage, and enjoy some behind-the-scenes action. On top of this, viewers will be able to see Oomba’s new tournament software run events for Mayfair and Cryptozoic, including the convention’s main event, the US World Championship World Qualifier for The Settlers of Catan.

To add some gamer icing to the cake, Oomba will be attempting a Guinness World Record for the largest Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock tournament ever held. There will be prizes for many levels of participation, so make sure you head over to Hall F to sign up. Oomba is working to make Gen Con something truly special, especially for those who can’t attend in person. This will no doubt help turn the convention into something even bigger than what it is, and I am all too happy for it. For more information check out the video below!