Massive Voodoo, a blog dedicated to miniature painting and tips, has been working on an accessory to your game painting table that’ll excite most miniature painters. Their Ultimate Paint Rack, a sleek storage system for your favorite paints, is now up on IndieGoGo with plenty of goodies to go along with it. The project funded in 8 hours, and continues to climb higher as it gains attention from hobby painters around the world.
They want this to be an affordable storage option for hobby painters, and need the help of IndieGoGo supporters to finalize the prototypes of the rack and produce the sleekest, sturdiest product. Additions you can get for the rack is a carrying case, handles, extra drawer to stash your brushes and accessories on the bottom, shirts, and so much more. They’ve designed the rack to hold nearly all of the most popular paint lines such as Vallejo, Army Painter, GW (old and new), P3, and Aero Color, just to name a few. If your paint bottles are similar to those of the companies listed, this rack is pretty likely to work for you.
They’ve made the paint rack simple to ship as it comes un-assembled but with easy assembly, and it comes as straight wood so that you can personalize your paint rack to your liking. Shipping to the US is still pretty high, but the guys behind MV are doing what they can to try and reduce this cost. The paint box itself translates to approximately $74 for US backers, and I think it looks to be worth the cost. Check out the campaign and see if this paint rack can enhance your hobby table and get you organized!