Fenris Games has just announced that the first wave of the miniatures for Cthulhu Wars is now available for players to order. You can visit the Fenris webshop to pick up your own set of the miniatures. Some of the models are cast in resin, and the rest are cast in metal, though it depends on the model.
Cthulhu Wars is a miniature board game that funded successfully via Kickstarter. The campaign received over $1 million in funding with over 4,000 backers. Sandy Petersen, the creator of the original Call of Cthulhu role playing game, worked tirelessly on making Cthulhu Wars a reality, and the campaign spoke for itself.
The remainder of the miniatures will be released in batches to help keep interest in the line. Some variant sculpts are already in the works, and will be released later on down the road. Fore more updates keep an eye out on the Fenris site!