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CoolMiniOrNot Splits Ways With Soda Pop Miniatures

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Some companies are granted the unique opportunity to gain the support of an already established company to get on their feet. Soda Pop Miniatures did just that when they joined CMoN to produce Super Dungeon Explore and Relic Knights. An announcement was made yesterday that the collaboration between Cool Mini Or Not and Soda Pop Miniatures is coming to an end.

In the media release of this information, fans were told that Soda Pop Miniatures is branching off to do their own thing. There seems to be no negativity between the two companies, and that the two entities made a mutual decision to go their separate ways. They’ve made it clear that they will be fulfilling all Kickstarter pledges in the process of transferring all the necessary details over to Soda Pop Miniatures.

John Cadice of Soda Pop Miniatures made his own comment on the announcement – “…we are happy to have had experience with Coolminiornot, who were instrumental in supporting the launch of the great projects we all enjoy. We are equally happy to be taking on this new adventure, and to have your support to help us to continue to bring you cool projects.” The folks at Cool Mini Or Not are pleased to ‘release’, so to speak, Soda Pop Miniatures into their own adventure. It looks like both companies feel that their purposes have been served and it is time to move on. What do you think of the split?